Monday, February 11, 2008

thing a day - day 10 SCORE

ha! told you i'd be back with something to post for today!

isn't it lovely? no! not the pony, the sleeping child. yes, that was today's goal. ok - so that doesn't sound like a 'thing to do'. but- oh! it is! you see, last night - this sleeping beauty looked like this...

including all the green goo. yep - it was awful. i'm chalking it up to being overtired and not that she really truly needed an exorcism. but last night, i really had to think about it.

so today's 'thing a day' was to get child into bed at a decent hour. and i did. i had to start 3 hours earlier - but we did it and she went to bed the happy and sweet child i've always had. there are those that doubt my rendition of events last night - but i tell you - that above is an actual photo!

thing a day - day 10. child to bed at decent hour. SCORE


kat said...

yay! i'm so happy to read that your beauty got to sleep!

Anonymous said...

Is it really you? I have enjoyed reading these posts---made me laugh! I remember talking about some of these things on those delightful Thursday Nights of the past! I miss them already, but there may be light at the end of the tunnel. Love your profile, it couldn't be more accurate, LOL. Love all your cards, tags and such. I do recognize those! Will enjoy reading your posts--it will keep me updated on your life!