Monday, February 11, 2008

thing a day - day 10 & insanity...

i'm here. i know, it's been nearly a week since i last posted. thing a day - what happened to it? um, well...

ok - first off let me just say that i'm still in this! i'm not folding. i'm not giving in. i can do this - but there will be one less week of it. i must beg your pardon - last week was just insanely busy. we were off and out every morning - early days. i was doing good just to walk upright and speak with a reasonable degree of clarity, though there may be a few who might question this.

i have projects that i'm working on. my crochet is coming along. actually - it's right back where i left off when i was 10 - and decided that crocheting was no longer "cool". i've even recently learned a new stitch! what i must hone my skills on, however - is reading patterns! i started this very cute flapper hat. but ah, something went awry! i'm 10 rows into the hat and it looks nothing like a hat - but rather a realy fluffy doilie. sigh. clearly i've missed something!

photos you say? isn't it enough that i bare my soul to you and admit my defeat, albeit, temporary? isn't that enough of an insult? sigh, yes, there are photos and will share them someday. i will. but i must redeem myself first with another project passed onto me by belfry. a basket! it's the cutest thing and i will attempt to not ruin it too. stay tuned...

i must also announce that though i lost my beloved paper playing location - there is something new on the horizon! i'm excited. i can't wait - but alas, you will have to until i learn more details. just bare with me...

somy apologies for being so long gone. but i am back - rested and now ready to persue my 'thing a day' from here on out. today's "thing" has already been chosen and i promise to post a picture tonight! but as for why i was absent - i can only plead insanity...

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