now - in my defense, they've done this before! a number of years ago, it was very clear to me that shoe shopping without dad wasn't an option. you see - he's very finicky about shoes. let me specify, it's really about arch support. i agree! but the reality is that when you are out shoe shopping, arch support in kids shoes simply does not exist! but it's hard to convince DH of this, and, in his head, it's simply that you bought a poor pair of shoes.
so when minime was about 4 - it became required that dad shop with us for shoes. he was able to see that arch support in kid shoes was simply non-existent. of course, old habits die hard and the one time i dared venture into a shoe store without him, he again couldn't understand why i didn't buy her shoes with a better arch support. so no more. dad now does ALL the shoe shopping!
the last few times, i've allowed him to take her to the store without me. she's now old enough to have her own taste in shoes and to let him know what she wants. i must say, it's all worked out well. the shoes that have come back have been tasteful - though not always my taste - but not something i was loathed to see her in either. as a matter of fact, her last pair of shoes i was thrilled with!

yes - he'd established a good track record. decent looking shoes that he couldn't complain about.
then yesterday - she came home with these:
yes, i know. rainbow sherbet tennis shoes! why does nike do this to me?? is DH trying to get me for making him go shopping? what have I done to anger the gods???
why me?? why me??
but, of course - when minime asked what i thought of them, i gave her a big smile and said: "My!! they certainly are colorful!" an answer she cheerfully took back to her dad as a big "thumbs up".
add to it - she's wearing a 4.5! those are big feet on such a little girl! but she loves them and wears them - constantly.
she's wearing them right now - pj's & tennis shoes. watching the little rascals. she's happy. so am i.
but i want to eat some sherbet...
Pink and Yellow and Green - Oh My!
Great!! Your dad might have good choice in shoes.
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