we are now at the point of counting the day - just DAYS - before the homeschool expo! i'm so excited i could burst!
I also have a ton of things to do to prepare. with two sessions to teach, there is much preparation going on. it's a little scary cause i just don't feel like i'm "ready". but then - what exactly is that? i think when you are a presenter, you don't feel ready until it's all over and there is no major disaster!
as i mentioned, i'm teaching two sessions. have i already mentioned what they are? hmmm, maybe i have - so i won't bore you all over again (and considering so many of you probably already know!) but i'll leave you with two obvious clues:

and for the second:

it's exciting and terrifying at the same time. and in-between all of this - I have one day of pure play planned. hanging at the pool, hanging with friends and playing with mimime. oh, and maybe i'll check out some of the other sessions too! lol
so - wish me luck. i keep imagining the last session, and just falling flat on my face - with attendees walking out of the room. they won't do that - will they??
ok, back to making plans. and drinking wine...
I wanna be 8 years old again and homeschooled by you! BTW, I adore your tallied up egg shell interior photograph. The idea is ingenious and the photograph sublime. The Disney castle photo is such a magical and happy one too!
Thanks, Gabriela!
I wish I could take credit for the egg shells. ALas, it's a grand piece of clip-art that I found. Do I get credit for spending the time to find it, though? LOL
good luck! i look forward to hearing how your sessions went. i'll be at the pool all three days.
i like the egg shell photo too! nope, you don't get credit for searching for it, but gabriela & i get credit for liking it.
yippy for the expo! I can't wait. we are gonna knock em dead girl!
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