Saturday, February 16, 2008

thing a day - day 15

i'm ignorning the fact that it's been several days since i've posted. you see, it goes like this. i have 1 (just one) computer that i'm "allowed" to upload photos to. the other computer is hubby's laptop that normally lives at work with him but since he's been home 3 months - has taken up temporary residence in my "dining" area. but hubby loves to hog this computer. so i upload when i can sneak on here. when i have no photos, it's really not as much fun to post. i mean - i know you just LOVE to read all of my musings (heehee, i crack me up) but, photos makes it all fun.

on to the photos...

I completed a crochet project! whoo hooo! i haven't crocheted in many years. not only did i finish, but it was a pattern that i had to read and everything! that's a big deal for me. i grew up knowing how to make granny squares, and that's about it. but if i was going to crochet again, i wanted VERY cool things to crochet. well, i think my little craft basket is VERY cool, indeed! YEA Me!!

ok, second thing. i told you about the little scarf i knifty knitted minime for valentine's day. well here it is...

she wore it all around the house on valentine's day. over and over again she thanks me for making her the most beautiful scarf EVER. i do love my little mini. her appreciation for even the smallest of all things i do for her out weighs anything else. and i do for her all i can because of it.

next project you ask? well, i've got several things on the horizon. i've promised minime her own set of waldorf chickens. but you see - i don't knit. so i'm going to fashion making them with crochet. stay tuned for that! lol

i'm also going to attempt to make her a - wait for it - amigurumi bunny. WHAT is that you ask. well, heck, i just gave you a link. you'll have to look yourself - cause i honestly don't really know - but i'm going to make it! ok, what i do know is that amigurumi animals are made "in the round". ok - there my expertise stops. past that is beyond me.

basically - i figure that by easter - she'll have a whole host of crocheted animals!

and finally - i need to seriously work toward getting my crafting area set up, that means getting minime's bedroom in order first. i've received opportunities to place my paper crafts in stores, so that means inventory! i have to get back to my beloved paper.

so i guess that even though i haven't posted in 3 days - i've accomplished at least 3 days worth of stuff. ha!

thing a day - day 15 (ok, 13-15)- check


Misha said...

Great Job! I want to see your amigurumi when you do it!

kat said...

i love, love, love your basket! simply gorgeous!