wait a minute! not so fast...
MY jury duty is all done. whew...
yesterday - come 4pm - we walked out of the courtroom, a full jury seated & sworn in - but no alternates. we had to report, again, today.
we walked back in just after 11am - 8 people left in the jury pool, including me. Odds were - I was going to be called. I'd gone thru my litany of things that would make me undesirable for this case and had rehearsed them in my head well.
the judge was ready to call jurors for the alternate seats. he told the clerk to call 5. All 5 were called, but not me. That left 3 of us sitting there, waiting. 3 were dismissed.
uh-oh, here we go...
the judge told the clerk to call 2 more names. She called 2 - neither name being mine.
Whew... I sat in the pool area all alone
1 was dismissed. then the alternates were sworn in.
I was sent packing. i'm free! ah...
now - where's my $30??!????
back to my day to day living.....
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