this time of year is our holiday season. no - we don't belong to some weird cult who celebrate the coming of all things robotic in july (no offense if there actually exists such a cult!). it's simply that we are now in birthday celebration mode!
yes, minime & I not only share a birth month, but down to a birth week. and in special years - it can be contained into a birth weekend (though we've never let that stop us from celebrating the course of the entire month!). today - we are in that sweet in-between day. my birthday was yesterday, her's is tomorrow.
we celebrated in sweet style yesterday. DH actually took me out to lunch - a rare treat indeed, seeing as his allergies do not allow him to partake of such goodies. i couldn't walk out without a piece of cheesecake (you know, to celebrate my birthday), so i'm afraid I did much damage to the 'diet', um - er, new eating lifestyle I'm adapting to. i tried my best to make up for it with that 30 minute walk (uphill, both ways) I took this morning.
tomorrow will find our day filled with friends and cupcakes. just the perfect party for the 8yo.
but today. today is a quiet day. normally we'd be off playing at our "hogwarts homeschool", but one of the student wizards, 'mini-belfry' woke up this morning quite sick. i hear Mde. Poppy Pomfrey has been contacted to help with healing potions. so minime and i have spent the day crocheting and watching a movie. we are to check on cupcake selections for tomorrow.
special note: to fill the "in-between" day, minime has filled it with the birthdays of others, unable to tell us of their *actual* birthdays. so to that I'd like to wish a Very Happy Birthday to: Snoball (our cocker spaniel), Nalu (our betta fish), and Anna (her American Girl doll).
And many happy returns...
ah, it's july.
and tonight, I get to hang with my special crafting mamas.
i do love july...
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