is that the sound of something grilling on the stove or barbeque?
nah, it's the sound of my skin as i walk outside! where did this heat come from??
i'm a summer gal. born in the summer, lover of all summer activities and foods. even still, it's june! what happened to the dreaded 'june gloom' we normally see this time of year? i'm used to still needing a light jacket this time of year and praying to the weather gods that by early july (when minime & i celebrate birthdays) we'll be getting nice and warm. notice, i said 'nice' and 'warm'. i never request a heatwave.
and yet, that's what we have. september weather. who ordered this?
i've yet to figure out a good way to stay cool in all of this. my house is tiny and filled to the brim. with gas approaching $5 per gallon, i don't want to drive anywhere unless needed. and with that, i don't want to spend any money that might take away from what i'll need to spend on gas! so we roast.
we did take some time yesterday to visit the getty museum in brentwood for their family festival. it was a nice day - but not one where spending time out on all the white (and reflective) marble was the best. but we got to hang with buddies (including belfry and her mini), so, being hot wasn't so bad. how we do like being with our friends!
i don't know what today has in store for us. i do know that i must prepare for hogwarts tomorrow. the kidlettes are all having problems learning to 'single stitch' in crochet. i need to research and see if i can find some diagrams to give them for practice.
i wonder if i can work on that while sitting in a tub of ice?
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