Monday, April 14, 2008

getting better...

yep - i messed with it. but the header was just too big. quite an improvement - huh? it's surprising i had this much brain energy left after spending the last 90 minutes brushing hair.

oh, no - not mine. mind you, i cut my hair off to within an inch of my scalp many years ago. but minime has a head full of the stuff - and it's long. it's not just long, but it's thick AND curly AND long. well down her backside. the minute you comb through it, those curls go to work - and it's tangled. so i typically keep it in braids and only make attempts at coming near her with a brush once or twice a week. but it got away from me this weekend when we had many events to attend and no real time to work on hair. so i reverted to some of the 'gots to do the hair everyday' hair styles. she looked very cute - but boy - was it a pain having to plan that time out everyday. so it's monday nite and she has 8 fresh braids in her hair. i won't even think about it again until sunday - maybe.

in the meantime i'm planning out some paper stuff. found some REALLY cute items that i may be able to sell at the next 'dragonfly artisan' show. stay tuned - these are REALLY cute. i'm gearing up for paper to be back in full swing!

1 comment:

kat said...

the header looks wonderful!

i look forward to seeing your newest paper project!

~signed: she who is able to mangle paper by the merest glance in its direction.