Saturday, February 2, 2008

thing a day - day 1

ah - so here goes. the "thing a day" challange has forced me to set a goal and get *something* anything accomplished.

today was a hard day to start. but start i did. i dropped mini-me off to a playdate and i had some time - all by myself! yay!! that doesn't happen for a homeschooling mama very often. i initially wanted to come home and spend time clearing the disaster that is my home. but hubby is STILL off from work - so it sort of feels useless to do such a thing. i mean - if i do it - he'll undo it soon after. so i put the time to otherwise good use. i had *ME* time!

lunch while i read a book, then a movie while i - initially - knitted, then soundly slept through about 1/2 of it. was it good? it had it's funny moments, but with the busy-ness of the last 2 days - nothing was going to keep me awake. i'm glad i didn't go to see a movie i would have been really upset to have slept through!

so - day one was accomplished!! "thing a day" = *me* time. check...

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