Thursday, February 21, 2008

no 'thing' today...

nope, can't do it.

wait, um - nope, can't do it.

i know you sit there, panting with worry - wondering why. WHY??

eh, cause i'm feeling cranky.

i've been house bound for two days and am faced with the very real probablility of it being three. perstilence has moved into my home.

i came home from having very serious dental work done on tuesday. yes, a root canal AND they had to drill down into bone so the crown will sit properly. (Please, no lectures about visiting the dentist - I know just how long it had been). I drove home in pain expecting child to be at dance class #2. instead, when i arrived home, child was in bed, fast asleep. it was 6pm. that's NOT a good sign! her dad reported that she'd been asleep since arriving home about 230pm. she was hot. sigh...

so its been two days of keeping her cool, happy, and low key (the easiest part) and keeping me from wishing they'd just pulled the tooth out (no, seriously - I'm happy to have what part of the tooth is left). i'm not a huge fan of pharms, but right now "they're a good thing".

i've been crocheting up a storm, actually. what else can i do right now?? but minime is ever watchful on what i'm doing. she knows its for her but, doesn't know what it is. amigurumi bunny is finished - but in pieces. waldorf chicken is finished, but not yet sewn together and stuffed. my plan is to make mini chickens, but they'll be yellow - you know - baby chicks. i don't know what other creature i will try out - but i do want to do a few more. looks like i will have the time. our 'school-y' activities have mostly been cancelled this week - everyone is sick. and now we are in for several days of rain. i haven't a huge stock of yarn, but whatever i do have will soon be turned into "stuff".

stay tuned for photos. i'm excited about what i've accomplished and i really do want to share!

but first, i must stop being cranky...

1 comment:

kat said...

feel well soon paper & minipaper!