Wednesday, January 9, 2008


ok, just a short post this morning to get me rolling.

last night i got to have mama's night out. it was our monthly book group meeting. we read classics - over50 years old, thank you - and last night was our time to pick books for the upcoming year. i won't list out everything, but a couple of my choices did make the list!

fanny hill- i keep hearing this book referenced in old movies. if they were talking about it then, it is time for me to know wht they're talking about!

daisy miller - i've only recently discovered this title. but it goes well with miss fannie hill - don't you think?

madame bovary - heehee, are you seeing a trend here in theme?

lady chatterley's lover - ok, surely you see where we are going now...

ok, that's it for me right now. i've much to do today. please take a peek at our books - and maybe join in our reading adventures!

i'm off to craft!

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