Sunday, January 27, 2008

I did it...

well, i tried to show you a picture of my very first ever *knitted scarf*!!!but the gremlins running around in my computer have apparently decided that enough is enough. all of the grinning and bragging (to myself, of course) that i've been doing about finishing this 1 year old project and actually figuring out how to get it off the loom without unraveling - was simply too much for them to bear. i'm so sorry. no picture to gloat over. no photo for you to praise me as being the world's best knitter EVER. i'm so sorry - try not to let it ruin your day.

but... i can show you this and this and finally, THIS!!

oops, sorry - that last one was just for me.

Well, if you took a good look at the finished projects - my scarf is a varigrated grey, soft and perfect. i promise to post a pic when the gremlins are sleeping and not paying attention to what i'm doing.

but for now...

1 comment:

kat said...

this, & this knitted THIS??? that is one amazing knitting tool. if you plan on selling them, please let me know. i'd like to order an orlando, & a johnny please.